The FT-UV pass is a powerful tool used in compositing workflows in After Effects.


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It is a type of pass that is used to separate the UV information

The FT-UV pass is a powerful tool used in compositing workflows in After Effects. It is a type of pass that is used to separate the UV (or texture) information of a 3D render from the rest of the image. This allows for greater control and flexibility when it comes to creating complex composites.

Here is a breakdown of how the FT-UV pass works in After Effects:

Step 1: Setting up the 3D Render

To begin with, you need to set up a 3D render that includes UV information. This is typically done in a 3D software package like Maya or Cinema 4D. When rendering the scene, you need to make sure that the UV information is saved as a separate pass.

Step 2: Importing the Render into After Effects

Once you have your 3D render with the FT-UV pass, you can import it into After Effects. Simply drag and drop the file into your project window, or use the File > Import menu.

Step 3: Creating a UV Map

In order to use the FT-UV pass, you need to create a UV map. This is essentially a 2D representation of the 3D object's texture coordinates. To create a UV map, you can use the Create UVs function in your 3D software package. Once you have a UV map, you can export it along with your 3D render.

Step 4: Using the FT-UV Pass

Now that you have your 3D render and UV map in After Effects, you can use the FT-UV pass to separate the UV information from the rest of the image. To do this, create a new composition and drag your 3D render onto the timeline. Then, add a new adjustment layer above the render.

Next, apply the "ft-UV Pass" effect to the adjustment layer. This effect will take the UV map you created earlier and use it to separate the texture information from the rest of the image. You can adjust the settings of the effect to fine-tune the separation.

Step 5: Compositing

Now that you have separated the UV information from the rest of the image, you can use it to create complex composites. For example, you can replace the texture on the 3D object, add different effects to the texture, or even use the UV information to create animated textures.

One popular use of the FT-UV pass is to add decals to 3D objects. By using the UV information to create a separate layer for the decal, you can easily control its position, rotation, and scale on the 3D object.

Another use is to create animated textures. By using the UV information to create a layer with an animated texture, you can create a more dynamic and interesting look for your 3D object.

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The FT-UV pass is a powerful tool in compositing workflows in After Effects. By separating the UV information from the rest of the image, you can create complex composites with greater control and flexibility. To use the FT-UV pass, you need to set up a 3D render with UV information, create a UV map, and use the "ft-UV Pass" effect in After Effects. With practice and experimentation, you can create stunning 3D composites that stand out from the crowd.