From player settings, you can access all monetization modes provided by our service or add your own ad tag. Create and customize your ad: choose one or several advertisers, manage display order, rotation, set targeting.


MPVplayer for internet websites Free ITIL 4 books
A lot of of Internet projects, webmasters, mobile developers and online companies are already using mpvplayer for video traffic

Real video

RealVideo is a format that was developed for streaming. For transferring data to DVD or CD-ROM, it is practically not used due to high hardware requirements. A feature of RealVideo files is that they cannot be edited or recompressed. This format uses compression techniques that reduce the number of frames in a video and remove unnecessary information from frames. The quality in this case will depend on the amount of detail in the frames and on the dynamics of events. Due to the high level of compression, this format is suitable for users with low connection speeds.

Quick Time

This format, developed by Apple, is widely used in both Mac and Windows environments. QuickTime has a lot in common with the Real Media format. The compression ratio of the QuickTime file is 1 MB for 3.75 seconds of video, so the image size can be scaled up and down without losing quality. This means that a 320x240 video file can be viewed full screen with the same quality. The QuickTime format is best suited for sequential streaming of video, as the player is launched during the download process and plays the received information.

MPV Player

From mpvplayer player settings, you can access all monetization modes provided by our service or add your own ad tag. Create and customize your ad: choose one or several advertisers, manage display order, rotation, set targeting. The Visual-builder tool provides everything you need to run it quickly and effectively. Start with any free template and customize to bring your best ideas to life. Engage your audience and reach your savings goals.

Download files for integration and insert js-script into the source code of a web page. All types of advertising integration and simple control currently available, used in modern technologies such as HLS and Livestream, customization and self-written modules are available with detailed views statistics, metrics and a set of tools for analysis.

Several thousand of internet projects, webmasters, mobile developers and online businesses are already using mpvplayer for video traffic, growing business and increasing revenue. Get absolute control and manage your videos easily with our self-service platform! The most powerful visual designer (400+ options) requires no programming skills and ample opportunities to create playlists with the desired design and folders for comfortable navigation.

You can choose a ready-made skin from a large collection of ready-made video and audio templates with a powerful built-in statistics system. The ability to connect Google Analytics, Yandex Metric or Mediascope to collect the necessary statistics. Subtitle support with a variety of languages ​​and custom design settings right in the player.